Anna - Wednesday 08 th May 2019

My beloved daughter write:

My Son died and rose again. I gave my only begotten to have other children who listen to the voice of my Spirit, but some do not want to follow my mandate; they are like blind because the church is led and manipulated by many ministers whom I have never called.
My Son is about to return and is calling many children to Me. My Kingdom is not built on human dogmas and doctrines; these will never come to form My Church. The Kingdom forms My Church. The Kingdom must be desired, known and worked for. For this you are Kings and Queens. But many churches do not allow themselves to be led by the Spirit. This is why they are blocked and are an obstacle to those who seek me with their hearts. I am putting divisions and afflictions on those who have understood my purpose for them. I put crisis in denominations. Men are not their foundation.

These people have no foundation in the Rock. They were created by the hand of man. I don't recognize them. Share this message with those who love my heart.
I will protect them from all situations of malaise.
I will prepare them for My Church.
I will prepare them for the Kingdom.
I will lead them to the sweet waters.
I will reveal to you the secrets of the Kingdom.
This is the first revelation I am giving you.

8th Revelation Hanna - Tuesday 4th June 2019 (4pm)
I am watching from my throne . I see that my children are few in proportion to how many I have called. The truly called have the right to the knowledge of salvation. Many have no intimacy with their FATHER; they prefer other things instead of knowing ME deeply; they are hungry for things that have no value; they are content to serve ME under human direction. They don't consult ME and feel satisfied and appreciated by the churches and ministers, but many are sick. They have leaders and apostles made by themselves. Now the time has come for the great harvest . A gathering of Kingdom loving sons and daughters is about to begin. They want to reign with their GOD, The KING of Kings. In churches there are churches that do not consult me; this does churches will cease because they carry doctrines and interpretations of my Word according to their understanding. Now is the time for a great change.
16th Revelation Hanna - Monday 24th June 2019 (10.30am)
Write dear daughter and beloved: My children stand out in practical life for their behavior. They are led by the SPIRIT . In ME they find grace The Kingdom is not a place where I only provide material welfare: it is the place where the children are led by the KING of Kings. I am looking for those hearts that vibrate with love for me. The Kingdom is not a meeting place for personal well-being.